Baji Live Casino periodically reviews and updates our Terms and Conditions to ensure that they remain accurate, current and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Here are some of the changes you may encounter in our updated Terms and Conditions:
Updated Definitions: We may clarify or clarify certain definitions to provide a clearer understanding of the terms used in the document.
Account Use and Responsibilities: We may change sections related to user account use, including account creation, access, and responsibilities.
Intellectual Property Rights: Our updated Terms and Conditions may include revised provisions relating to intellectual property rights. This may relate to topics such as copyrights, trademarks and use of our brand assets.
Payment and Withdrawal Policy: To clarify our payment processes and withdrawal procedures, we may make updates to the relevant sections of our Terms and Conditions. These changes may include details of accepted payment methods, transaction limits, processing times, and any associated fees or charges.
Privacy and Data Protection: Because privacy is a top priority for us, we may update the privacy and data protection sections of our Terms and Conditions. This includes information about how we collect, store and process personal information, as well as your rights and choices regarding your personal information.
Dispute Resolution: We may improve our dispute resolution procedures to ensure a fair and efficient process for resolving any conflicts or disagreements that may arise between Baji Live Casino and its users. These updates are intended to provide clarity about how disputes will be handled and may include information about mediation, arbitration or other forms of settlement.
By accessing and using Baji Live Casino website and services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. If you do not agree to any part of these terms and conditions, please refrain from using our services.
It is important to note that these are general examples, and specific changes to our Terms and Conditions will be outlined in the updated document itself. We recommend that you carefully review the updated Terms and Conditions each time they are amended to ensure that you are familiar with the latest rules governing the use of our platform.
By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by all the provisions set out herein.